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Heger Diamond manufactures complete systems based on your process requirements. Our Compact Electro-Chemical Systems (CECS)are perfect for testing and small industrial applications. They can be easily scaled up by adding individual units. We have the capacity to offer large industrial scale Electrolyzer Plants with all the necessary water treatment options and process engineering necessary to design and build.


Heger Diamond boron doped diamond electrodes are available in several standard geometries, geometries that are perfectly suitable in the electrolysis we offer. In addition, diamond electrodes made of expanded metal or 3D geometry (e.g. rods, cylinders) can be produced. Processes such as water jet cutting or laser welding allow individual electrode geometries.


We offer complete electrolyzers for our standard electrode types. These are compact and easy-to-use systems, Compact Electro-Chemical Systems (CECS) can be easily integrated in your systems. Variants with stainless steel cathodes or reversible-polarity are available. The modular design allows anode surface areas from 116 square inch to 1395 square inch (0.075 m2 to 0.90 m2) per electrolyzer.

Large System Electrolyzers (LSE) are designed and built depending on your process requirements

Exceptionally large electrodes or complex geometries can be produced by welding.